O.R.B.I.T Icon.png
Location Dusktide Forest

O.R.B.I.T is a robot assistant that welcomes players falling from the portal at the start of the game.


[Start of the game]
Scanning, please stand still.
Danger: 0.5 percent.
Utility: 0.3 percent.
Please, speak to the outworlder welcoming specialist.
He's supposed to be in the closest proximity.
Don't die and have a nice day.

Greetings, entity!

Dialogue Who Are You Icon.png
Designation: O.R.B.I.T, an Orbital Reconnaissance Bot for Interdimensional Transfers.
Further inquiries should be directed to the welcoming specialist.
The specialist is in the robotic exo-skeleton nearby.
Dialogue How Are You Icon.png
As a bot, I do not experience physical or emotional states.
However, your concern has been acknowledged.
Further inquiries should be directed to the welcoming specialist in the robotic exo-skeleton to my right.
Dialogue What Is This Place Icon.png
Current location: Goldenfield town, proximal to interdimensional portal.
For more detailed information, please consult the welcoming specialist.
The specialist is nearby.
Dialogue Help Icon.png
Assistance not required. I am programmed to assist. For inquiries, please see the welcoming specialist.