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We recognise that Maxbuff Coöperatie U.A. (hereon referred to as Maxbuff) owns the copyright to all of their works, including, but not limited to, Corepunk and Artificial Core.
Therefore, this Wiki must only use Maxbuff's works such that it does not infringe on their copyright. This can be achieved in two ways:
This Wiki does not have Maxbuff's explicit permission, hence editors must follow fair use.
Fair Use[edit]
Fair use should be considered on a case-by-case basis, but some relevant factors in determining fair use include:
The amount and substantiality of the original works that were copied.
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What Editors Can Do[edit]
All editors should read, follow, and enforce this policy. Articles not in compliance with this policy should be brought into compliance with it promptly through the removal or editing of the contravening content.