“Pyromancers are ranged mages. They’re masters of casting destructive, fiery spells with the help of a magic orb and can create portals to control enemies. As they use their abilities, Pyromancers gradually heat up, empowering their abilities and increasing the damage they deal to enemies.
The Pyromancer is a Pain Reaper Mastery that wields a magic orb.
The Pyromancer's abilities can be seen below:
Q (Pyromancer)
The Pyromancer throws a fireball, dealing magic damage (
Spell Power) to an enemy.
Additional effect: The fireball deals magic damage (
Spell Power) to nearby enemies. The skill's range is increased by 3 meters.

Additional effect: The fireball deals magic damage (

W (Pyromancer)
The Pyromancer creates a demonic portal for 3 seconds. The portal slows enemies and starts to pull them in. When the effect ends, the portal deals magic damage (
Spell Power), pulls the enemies to its center, and roots them for 1.5 seconds (Spirit).
Additional effect: Affected enemies are set on fire and take magic damage (
Spell Power) for 3 seconds.

Additional effect: Affected enemies are set on fire and take magic damage (

E (Pyromancer)
The Pyromancer dashes to the target location, creating a fire trail for 2 seconds (Spirit), dealing magic damage (
Spell Power) over time. Upon reactivation, the Pyromancer returns to their starting location.
Additional effect: Upon dashing, the Pyromancer explodes, dealing magic damage (
Spell Power) to nearby enemies.

Additional effect: Upon dashing, the Pyromancer explodes, dealing magic damage (

R (Pyromancer)
The Pyromancer calls a meteor to the target area, dealing magic damage (
Spell Power) and stunning enemies for 2 seconds (Spirit).
Additional effect: The meteor gets x2
Area Effect.

Additional effect: The meteor gets x2

Special (Pyromancer)
Every spell the Pyromancer casts gives them Heat, which contributes to a Heat Meter.