Autoconfirmed users

An Autoconfirmed user are a user group with certain privileges. Users in this group are added automatically.


Only registered accounts can be autoconfirmed. There are two requirements:

Arrow.pngThe account must be old.
Arrow.pngThe user must have an adequate password.
Arrow.pngThe user must save an amount of edits to any page.

Password Policy

It is suggested that an Autoconfirmed User's password:

Arrow.pngCannot be a substring within their username.
Arrow.pngCannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
Arrow.pngCannot be the same as their username.
Arrow.pngCannot match a specific list of default passwords.
Arrow.pngMust be at least 1 character long.
Arrow.pngMust be less than 4,096 characters long.


Autoconfirmed users gain the following rights:

Arrow.pngEdit protected pages set to "allow only autoconfirmed users".
Arrow.pngUnaffected by IP-based rate limits.
Arrow.pngSkip CAPTCHA tests.