Location info
Displays an information page about an location.
{{Location info|<image=image>|<name=name>|<description=description>|<category=category>|<quests=quests>|<loading screen=loading screen>}}
image: A map or image of the location.
- Optional. Defaults to '
'. - Notes: Only use if the image name differs from the name of the page.
name: The name of the location.
- Optional. Defaults to '
'. - Notes: Only use if the template is on a different page to the location's main article.
Possible categories:
points of interest: The semicolon-separated names of points of interest in the location.
- Optional.
- Notes: Add your own wiki links.
connections: The semicolon-separated names of zones connected to the location.
- Optional.
- Notes: Add your own wiki links. The cardinal direction is usually specified in brackets after the location name.
No description was provided. Add a description parameter.