
Branch Assassin
Tier III

When the character attacks an enemy without allies nearby, they gain 10% Armor Penetration Icon.png Armor Penetration or Magic Penetration Icon.png Magic Penetration (adaptive) and deal an additional 50% Physical Crit Power Icon.png Physical or Magical Crit Power Icon.png Magical critical damage power (adaptive) against this enemy for 5 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds.

When the character attacks an enemy without allies nearby, they gain 10% Armor Penetration Icon.png Armor Penetration or Magic Penetration Icon.png Magic Penetration (adaptive) and deal an additional 50% Physical Crit Power Icon.png Physical or Magical Crit Power Icon.png Magical critical damage power (adaptive) against this enemy for 5 seconds. Cooldown is 20 seconds.
— In-game description