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A zone is a subdivision of Corepunk's playable Map. Zone names and outlines are shown on the map.
Safe Zones
Safe Zones are zones where players cannot attack each other.
Lands under the Protection of the King
Lands under the Protection of the King are zones where players can attack each other, but the punishment for death is minimal, the punishment for killing a player is high, and criminals lose all items in their inventory upon death.
The Battleground of the King
The Battleground of the King are zones where players can attack each other.
Radioactive Zones
Radioactive Zones or Restricted Zones are zones that are designated out-of-bounds. Upon entering a restricted zone, the player is given a Radiation effect which deals damage equal to 20% of the player's total Health each second. It takes 5 seconds to kill a player under the effects of Radiation.