
Experience Icon.png Experience (exp, XP) is rewarded to the player for participating in and completing many in-game activities in Corepunk. Experience is used to increase Character Level and Mastery Level.


Experience can be gained by killing enemies, completing Quests, Gathering, and Crafting.


See: [[Gathering]]

Experience and Mastery Experience are gained when the player uses all of their gathering attempts on a resource node. All experience is gained at once.
Total experience gained is equal to the sum of experience per item harvested. The experience per harvested item depends on the Quality of said item:

Quality Experience per Item
Common +2 Experience Icon.png Experience
Uncommon +10 Experience Icon.png Experience
Rare ??
Epic ??


See: [[Crafting]]

Experience and Mastery experience are gained upon crafting an item. Experience is awarded differently depending on the item.

Arrow.pngCrafted items with a Gear Score give experience equal to their Gear Score.
Arrow.pngChips and Runes both yield constant experience that does not scale with item Quality.
Arrow.pngQuest items yield +1 Experience Icon.png Experience experience.

Refined Items

The net experience given for refining items is related to the refined item's Quality:

Quality Experience
Common +5 Experience Icon.png Experience
Uncommon ??
Rare ??
Epic ??


The experience given for crafting consumables is related to the consumable's Quality:

Quality Experience
Common +9 Experience Icon.png Experience
Uncommon ??
Rare ??
Epic ??
Legendary ??

See Also