Valley of Sins

The dense and endless forest of the Elanien kingdom might remind you of an eerie folktale. [...] But underneath the creepiness of it all, you’ll find that everything falls into a natural order. To survive in these lands, you must respect the interconnections that make this ecosystem work, you ought to watch each other’s back, and you need to guard these dreadful woods - with all your elanien might - from something far more terrifying.

The Valley of Sins is an area in Kwalat located east of the Elanien kingdom. It is made entirely of flesh and blood and is said to digest everything within its reach. Enemies found within the valley are manifestations of mankind's base instincts.

The Portal[edit]

The portal is a mysterious object found within the Valley of Sins. Enemies and objects can occasionally fall out of the portal. The Elaniens originally also fell from the portal.