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Revision as of 15:00, 12 February 2024

Npc info


Aye, welcome! / Greetings, sweetheart. / Howdy, dearie! / Oh, hello there!

Dialogue Who Are You Icon.png
I'm Granny Hilde, just a tough old hen clucking away in these parts of Goldenfield. Ain't nothing I can't handle.
Used to share this coop with a husband, a brave Lightbearer. The darkness of the Valley of Sins swallowed him up years ago.
Now it's just me, my chickens, and a lotta hard work. Got no time for tears, only for good, honest sweat.
They say loneliness is tough, but I've got my chickens. They may not be great conversationalists, but they're better listeners than most folks.
Dialogue How Are You Icon.png
How am I? Well, can't complain, wouldn't do no good anyway. Besides, who'd listen besides my chickens?
Life's a henhouse, busy and messy, but it's all worth it when you see those fresh eggs in the morning.
Every day's a new struggle, but I'm tougher than an old rooster. Got my health, my chickens, and a stubborn streak a mile wide.
I miss my husband every damn day, but grief ain't gonna feed the chickens, is it?
Dialogue What Is This Place Icon.png
This ol' place? It's Goldenfield, a quiet farming town and a damn sight better than anywhere else.
Sure, it ain't shiny like Leithana, but we've got wheat, corn, and the freshest eggs this side of the river.
Ain't much to look at, but it's peaceful and the soil's good. And nothing beats the sight of my chickens pecking around in the morning light.
Goldenfield's got a rhythm to it. It's in the rustle of the wheat, the clucking of my birds, and the hum of the tractor. It's home.
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If not accepted Feed the Flock]
Indeed, I could use a helping hand. / Well sugar, there's always something to be done round here. / Yes dear, there's a task you could help me with.
My feathered babies are looking a bit thin, they need more nutrition.
I think a few bundles of ​corn from the fields would do them good.
You'd be doing me a great service, and the chickens too.
Dialogue I'll Do It Icon.png [Feed the Flock]
Thank you, dearie. My chickens and I appreciate your help.
Don't forget, sweetheart, ten bundles of corn for my chickens.
Dialogue No Icon.png
Alright then, I suppose we'll manage. / I understand, dear. Maybe another time. / Oh, well that's a shame. The chickens will be disappointed.
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If accepted Feed the Flock]
I can handle things here, but I appreciate your offer. / I'm managing for now, but thank you, dear. / Not right now, sweetheart, but thank you.
Dialogue Side Quest Incomplete Icon.png [If accepted Feed the Flock]
Hope you didn't get lost in the cornfield. / Don't forget the corn, sweetheart.
Dialogue Yes Icon.png [If completed Feed the Flock]
Bless your heart, the chickens will be clucking with joy.