Brave New World

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Brave New World
Type Main Quest
Quest Giver Zikk Clankwhistle
Location Goldenfield
Succeeded by Wreck Trek
Rewards 40 Experience Icon.png
Speak to the outworlder welcoming specialist. He should be in sight.
— In-game description

Brave New World is a main quest that requires the player to give Zugg Clankwhistle a Tissue Paper.png Newcomer Form. It begins automatically upon starting the game.


Speak to the welcoming specialist.
Find newcomer form.
Meet with Zikk's brother in the village.


Whilst completing the quest, Zikk Clankwhistle may talk to the player via a transmitter:

[Upon approaching Zikk Clankwhistle's house (Summer House Icon.png Southern House in Goldenfield)]

"Hello? Are you listening? I've placed a transmitter on you so I can keep an eye on you. All in the name of safety, of course. The newcomer form should be on the table outside. Or on the porch. Might have left it in the mailbox too. No clue really."

"Here's a friendly reminder: only approach my house to get the form. Any unrelated activity may be considered trespassing. In simpler terms: DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE."

[Upon receiving Tissue Paper.png Newcomer Form]

"This is it! You got it! Now go make an official inquiry to my brother. He must be somewhere in the Goldenfield. I dunno, ask someone."

"Oh, and tell him it's his shift now! I'm sick of sitting here in this robot, watching the portal, and peeing in a whiskey jar."

[Upon passing Summer House Icon.png Southern House]

"You can't kill a damn rat with your stomach growling louder than your war cry! If you ain't biting into grub, you'll be biting the dust. So, get some food in that belly of yours before you end up being an embarrassing ghost story, you numbskull!"

[Upon entering Alchemy Icon.png Alchemy house in Goldenfield town]

"Are you kidding me? Stop distracting yourself! This is not your house and not the place I sent you to! What, are you coming from a world of thieves or something?"