Passive Talent

Passive talent trees.

Currently, there are ten different Passive Talents in Corepunk. Passive talents each have their own unique Passive Talent Trees. Talents provide a base percentage boost to a character's Stats.

Passive Talent Trees

As players level up, they will gain access to three different passive talent trees. Each tree contains a choice of different abilities or skills, which are purchased with talent points.

Passive Talents

Each Passive Talent and its respective base stat increase is shown in the table below:

Icon Name Branch Tier
Adrenaline Rush.png  Adrenaline Rush Warrior II
Aegis Retribution.png  Aegis Retribution Medic II
Aetheric Redirection.png  Aetheric Redirection Mage III
Amplified Efficiency Matrix.png  Amplified Efficiency Matrix Support IV
Amplify Weakness.png  Amplify Weakness Support V
Anti-Heal.png  Anti-Heal Warrior III
Arcane Insight.png  Arcane Insight Mage II
Assassin.png  Assassin
Aura of Ferocity.png  Aura of Ferocity Support I
Backstab.png  Backstab Assassin III
Battle-Hardened.png  Battle-Hardened Tank I
Benevolent Echoes.png  Benevolent Echoes Medic III
Blade Fury.png  Blade Fury Assassin IV
Blade Master.png  Blade Master Assassin V
Bloodthirst.png  Bloodthirst Warrior V
Bloodthirsty Edge.png  Bloodthirsty Edge Assassin II
Bouncing Back.png  Bouncing Back Tank III
Bulwark.png  Bulwark Tank III
Charge Catalyst.png  Charge Catalyst Warrior V
Chrono Cascade.png  Chrono Cascade Mage V
Chrono-Fortification.png  Chrono-Fortification Medic IV
Cleansing Touch.png  Cleansing Touch Medic III
Concentrated Power.png  Concentrated Power Mage IV
Coordinated Assault Tactic.png  Coordinated Assault Tactic Support III
Cosy Campfires.png  Cosy Campfires Pathfinder III
Critical Affliction.png  Critical Affliction Assassin II
Critical Attunement.png  Critical Attunement Medic II
Critstacker.png  Critstacker Assassin V
Delayed Pain.png  Delayed Pain Tank V
Desperate Escape.png  Desperate Escape Pathfinder IV
Disruptive Strike.png  Disruptive Strike Assassin V
Duration Enhancement System.png  Duration Enhancement System Pathfinder V
Dynamic Damage Boost.png  Dynamic Damage Boost Warrior I
Dynamic Fortress.png  Dynamic Fortress Support II
Eldritch Transmutation.png  Eldritch Transmutation Pathfinder II
Emergency Rewind.png  Emergency Rewind Mage I
Empowering Presence.png  Empowering Presence Support I
Energized Bastion.png  Energized Bastion Support II
Escape Artist.png  Escape Artist Hunter III
Executioner's Edge.png  Executioner's Edge Warrior III
Explorer's Instinct.png  Explorer's Instinct Hunter III
Feline Reflexes.png  Feline Reflexes Hunter II
Fighting Spirit.png  Fighting Spirit Warrior IV
Firestarter.png  Firestarter Pathfinder III
Flame Forged.png  Flame Forged Pathfinder III
Focus Healing.png  Focus Healing Medic V
Focused Assault.png  Focused Assault Mage V
Ghostly Reflexes.png  Ghostly Reflexes Assassin IV
Giant Slayer.png  Giant Slayer Assassin IV
Guardian of the Wild.png  Guardian of the Wild Pathfinder V

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