Ludwig Schatten

Ludwig Schatten is a monster-hunting NPC in Windreach Woods, located near the Hunter Camp.


Ahoy, fellow traveler! / Heya, buddy! / Well, hello there!

Dialogue Who Are You Icon.png
The name's Ludwig, Ludwig Schatten. Professional monster enthusiast.
I'm the guy who looks danger in the eye and says, 'Nice to meet you, can I dissect you?
I'm a Censor for the Keepers, which is just a fancy way of saying I get to play with dangerous monsters and deadly artifacts for a living.
Dialogue How Are You Icon.png
How am I? Well, let's see. I haven't been eaten, maimed, or vaporized today, so I guess I'm doing pretty well.
Life's peachy when you're always one step away from a monstrous death!
I'm as jolly as a gnome in a junkyard. Just another day in paradise!
Dialogue What Is This Place Icon.png
This here is the Tempest Timberland[sic]. A lovely spot if you don't mind the occasional monster trying to rip your face off.
It's a bit like a haunted amusement park. Only the monsters are real and the cotton candy tastes like dirt.
Between the eerie wind and the constant rustling, it's a great place to practice your scream!
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If not accepted Study of the Wooden Deer]
Actually, I have a situation that requires someone... expendable. Interested? / Have I got a whopper of a task for you! / Indeed, I'm sitting on a monster of a problem here. / Oh, do I have a job for you!
Ah, the elusive Wooden Deer. A creature of splinter and leaf, bark and bone.
Imagine a creature that's more tree than beast, wandering the woods like a lost limb of Mother Nature herself.
I'm dying to dissect one of these natural marvels! With your help, science will march on!
Dialogue I'll Do It Icon.png
Fantastic! Stay sharp and remember, Wooden Deer are more dangerous than they look. Or so I've heard.
Don't forget! We need you to find a Wooden Deer in Windreach Woods.
Dialogue No Icon.png
Just think about it. It's not every day you get to hunt a tree-beast. / Oh, did I scare you? No worries, they're only slightly deadly. / Scared of a little tree? I won't tell anyone.
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If completed Study of the Wooden Deer but not accepted Dismantling the Dendroid Guard]
Actually, I have a situation that requires someone... expendable. Interested? / Have I got a whopper of a task for you! / Indeed, I'm sitting on a monster of a problem here. / Oh, do I have a job for you!
The Dendroid Guard, a living statue with a bark worse than its bite... literally.
Their remains could tell us so much about their society. Are they protectors? Leaders? Or just really big bullies?
You'll be doing science a huge favor. Plus, it will be one less Dendroid Guard to worry about.
Dialogue I'll Do It Icon.png [Dismantling the Dendroid Guard]
Fantastic! Remember, you're doing this for the noble cause of curiosity.
That Dendroid Guard isn't going to hunt itself. Off you go!
Dialogue No Icon.png
Awww, and I was looking forward to dissecting a Dendroid Guard. / No problem. I'll just add it to my list of potentially deadly quests. / Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If completed Study of the Wooden Deer and Dismantling the Dendroid Guard but not accepted The Young Woodraptor Predicament]
Actually, I have a situation that requires someone... expendable. Interested? / Have I got a whopper of a task for you! / Indeed, I'm sitting on a monster of a problem here. / Oh, do I have a job for you!
The Young Woodraptor is an enigma. Why are they more aggressive than the adults?
Is it because they're trying to prove themselves? Or maybe they're just cranky?
Either way, I'd love to learn more about them. And you're going to help me!
Dialogue I'll Do It Icon.png [The Young Woodraptor Predicament]
Fantastic! Bring me that Young Woodraptor and we'll make scientific history!
Don't forget, we need a Young Woodraptor from Westwind Woods.
Dialogue No Icon.png
No harm done. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. / Oh well, can't blame a guy for trying. / Scared of a little Woodraptor? Don't worry, they're more bark than bite... well, mostly.
Dialogue Help Icon.png [If accepted Study of the Wooden Deer, Dismantling the Dendroid Guard, or Young Woodraptor Predicament; or completed Young Woodraptor Predicament]
Currently, it's all quiet on the monstrous front. / I'm good. I have enough life-threatening situations to last me the week. / Not at the moment. But stick around, something's bound to try and kill us. / Thanks, but I haven't run out of ways to risk my life...yet.
Dialogue Side Quest Incomplete Icon.png [If accepted Study of the Wooden Deer]
Don't forget! A Wooden Deer from Windreach Woods is what we need. / Found that Wooden Deer yet? I've got my dissecting tools ready! / How's the Wooden Deer hunt? Any luck?
Dialogue Yes Icon.png [If completed Study of the Wooden Deer]
Oh, ho, ho! Isn't this a beauty! Good job, you.
Look at the bark on this beast! You've done well. Now, to the dissecting table!
Dialogue Side Quest Incomplete Icon.png [If accepted Dismantling the Dendroid Guard]
Any luck with the Dendroid Guard? Those things can be tough nuts to crack. / Have you found a Dendroid Guard yet? I'm dying to see one up close... well, not literally. / Remember, we're looking for a Dendroid Guard. And try not to get squashed.
Dialogue Yes Icon.png [If completed Dismantling the Dendroid Guard]
You've actually done it! I can't wait to pull this thing apart... for science, of course.
Dialogue Side Quest Incomplete Icon.png [If accepted The Young Woodraptor Predicament]
Have you found a Young Woodraptor yet? I'm eager to learn more about them. / How goes the Woodraptor hunt? / Remember, Young Woodraptors are feisty little critters. Don't underestimate them.
Dialogue Yes Icon.png
Well done! This Young Woodraptor will be a great addition to our research.