Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild.png

Call of the Wild
Hero Warmonger
Mastery Shaman
Cast Time 0.2s
Range 8-10m
Re-cast Time 0.2 seconds
Re-cast Cost 10 Mana
Bite Damage 15/55/95/135
Cost 100/150/200/25 Mana Icon.png
Cooldown 100/85/70/55s

The Shaman summons a wolf. The wolf's Health Icon.png Health, Armor Icon.png Armor, and Magic Resist Icon.png Magic Resistance equal 50% (Spirit) of the Shaman's respective attributes. The wolf deals physical damage (Attack Power Icon.png Attack Power) and upon death, the Shaman loses 30% Health Icon.png Health. Holding the ability will remove the wolf.

Upon reactivation:
Targeting an enemy makes the wolf bite the target, dealing bonus magic damage (Spell Power Icon.png Spell Power) for every 5 basic attacks.
Targeting the Shaman makes the wolf return to them.
Targeting the wolf heals the wolf by 3% Health Icon.png Health and damages the Shaman by 1% Health Icon.png Health every second for 5 seconds.
Targeting the ground makes the wolf move to the target location. The wolf returns to the Shaman if they travel 20 meters away from the wolf.

Version history

Patch Changes
Original Call of the Wild was added to the game.